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Concordia Station

Concordia Station
Coordinates: 75°05’59.9"S 123°19’57.4"E
Programs and links: Programma Nazionale Di Ricerche in Antartide (, Institut Polaire Francais Paul Emile Victor (

All movies from this station


Best ActingBest Acting

Best CostumeBest Costume

American Sitcom-like. For the sake of its PhD, Vincent has to find something blue and borrowed if he wants to discover an exoplanet. His antarctic friends will try to help him as they can in this quest.


The whole crew: Vincent Deloupy (astronomer), Fanny Larcher (Medical Doctor), Quentin Lecoutey (Mecanician), Jessica Studer (ESA Research Doctor), Giovani Rosario (Plumber), Mario Lecca (Meteorologist and atmospheric physicist), Frederic Sergent (Technical Chief), Andrea Traverso (ICT), Manon Mastin (Glaciologist), Sergio Cosma (Cook), Julien Laurancy (Electrician), Marco Buttu (Electronics for science), Gabriele Carugati (Glaciologist & Station Leader)

Length: 07' 55''
Year: 2024
Category: Open Category
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Wild Wild South: Wilderness on White Mars

Wildlife documentary-like. A journalist from Wild Wild South has been accepted among Concordians, a rare living species on the antarctic continent. He will discover their uses and lives and interview Prof. Lecca, an eminent Anthropologist.


Vincent Deloupy (astronomer), Fanny Larcher (Medical Doctor), Quentin Lecoutey (Mecanician), Jessica Studer (ESA Research Doctor), Giovani Rosario (Plumber), Mario Lecca (Meteorologist and atmospheric physicist), Frederic Sergent (Technical Chief), Andrea Traverso (ICT), Manon Mastin (Glaciologist), Sergio Cosma (Cook), Marco Buttu (Electronics for science)

Length: 04' 59''
Year: 2024
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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WIFFA 2023 - The 5 Elements of the 48h challenge: the draw

WIFFA 2023 - The 5 Elements of the 48h challenge: the draw.

By Concordia's DC19 crew.

Length: 03' 44''
Year: 2023
Category: Other
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WIFFA 2023 trailer - Concordia Station

Trailer for the 2023 edition of WIFFA.

By Concordia's DC19 crew.

Length: 02' 18''
Year: 2023
Category: Other
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The Mischievous Alien

Fake Trailer for a Z series sci-fi movie… with the making-of.


Claude Blanc, Rudy Bunel, Stéphane Fraize, Sascha Freigang, Vincent Morel, Domenico Mura, Damien Pessieau, Damien Till

Length: 04' 09''
Year: 2023
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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Concordia’s Inferno

Some brave men found themselves stranded on a station at the end of the world. They didn’t know that the extreme conditions weren’t the most dangerous threat for their survival…


Luca Rago (Glaciologist – Director), Damien Till (Glaciologist), Rudy Bunel (Technical manager), Vincent Morel (Electrotechnician), Damien Pesseau (Plumbing engineering technician), Andrea Traverso (ICT), Sascha Freigang (ESA biomedical research), Domenico Mura (Astronomy) Claude Blanc (Mechanic), Davide Carlucci (Station leader), Stephane Fraize (Medical doctor)

Length: 04' 25''
Year: 2023
Category: Open Category
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Snow Wars

What could happen if a crew of winterovers decides to do a Star Wars marathon? In “Snow Wars” we go through the series of events which can happen when the crew does not agree on which is the correct episode to start the marathon with: only two crew members survive the big fight in the base and in order to decide the winner they will endure in a deadly final duel. This is a tribute to many different films.


Angelo Galeandro, Thomas Gasparetto, Thomas Pagano, Alessia Nicosia, Julien Witwicky, Hannes Hagson, Massimiliano Catricalà, Frédéric Sergent, Pierre Supiot, Stanislas Grabowski, Marco Smerilli, Fabien Farge, Nicolas Girard.

Length: 07' 45''
Year: 2022
Category: Open Category
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The Intruder

An intruder in Concordia is stealing many items from the base members, who will rebel trying to set a trap to capture him. The thief, who really loves Nutella, eventually will change his mind trying to mend his mistakes.


Angelo Galeandro, Thomas Gasparetto, Thomas Pagano, Alessia Nicosia, Julien Witwicky, Hannes Hagson, Massimiliano Catricalà, Frédéric Sergent, Pierre Supiot, Stanislas Grabowski, Marco Smerilli, Fabien Farge, Nicolas Girard.

Length: 04' 58''
Year: 2022
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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I want to break free from Concordia Station

Best OpenBest Open

Best EditingBest Editing

Best ActorBest Actor

Best CostumeBest Costume

Best SoundtrackBest Soundtrack

Best Art DirectionBest Art Direction

Funny little song wrote by our cook, Concordia station it’s not the easiest place to live for 14 months with a very small crew of 12 peoples


Cédric Albert (électrotechnicien), Dennis Appere (glaciologie, chimie atmosphérique), Fabio Borgognoni (glaciologie, chimie atmosphérique), Marco Buttu (électronicien), Rodolfo Canestrari (chef de mission, sciences de l’atmosphère et du climat, entretien météorologie), Giuseppina Canestrelli (médecin), Charles Delgrange (mécanicien véhicules), Simone Marcolin (cuisinier), Quentin Perret (chaudronnier-soudeur et technicien polyvalent), Jean-François Roques (responsable technique), Nicholas Smith (recherche biomédicale, médecin ESA), David Tosolini (technologies de l'information et des télécommunications ICT)

Length: 04' 25''
Year: 2021
Category: Open Category
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The Station

A parody of the British series; “The Office”, a research attempts to raise morale on the station with a pub quiz


Nick Smith (“Nick Smith”), Quentin Perret (“Irritated Crew Member”), Marco Buttu, Charles Delgrange, Simone Marcolin, Quentin Perret, Jen François Rouques (“Pub Quiz Crowd”)

Length: 04' 59''
Year: 2021
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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Patrick Don't Panic

DC 11 crew.

Sponsored by "Petit Pois" Peas and Incinolet Toilets.


Rémi as Patrick, Mario as Scientist, Roxanne as Scientist, Lorenzo as "Algorithm" Technician, Benoit as "Batteries" Technician, Lucas as Chef, Benny as Cameraman, Giampietro as Cameraman.

Length: 5' 02''
Year: 2015
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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Best OpenBest Open

Music clip of the song "Concordia" by DC13 team, Concordia Base (Antarctica), for the Open Category of Antarctic Film Festival 2017.

Shot and edited in "Concordia Base, Antarctica" in 48hours during the Mid-winter 2017.

Song inspired by "Wax - Rosana".

Music and voice performed and recorded by DC13 Team.


Simone Chicarella, Andrea Tosti, Alfonso Ferrone, Didier L'Hôte, Aldo Clemenza, Simone Marcolin, Laura Caiazzo, Sébastien Jullien-Palletier, Yuri de Prà, Carole Dangoisse, Alexis Robin, Pol Monfort, Paul Serre.

Length: 4' 27''
Year: 2017
Category: Open Category
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The Ice Core of Doom-C

Shot and edited in "Concordia Base, Antarctica" in 48hours during the Mid-winter 2017.

For 2017 the elements were: line of dialogue "Do you think you could light my fire?", action "Karate chop", object "Sausage", sound "Sound of popcorn popping", character "A blind barman".


Simone Chicarella, Andrea Tosti, Alfonso Ferrone, Didier L'Hôte, Aldo Clemenza, Simone Marcolin, Laura Caiazzo, Sébastien Jullien-Palletier, Yuri de Prà, Carole Dangoisse, Alexis Robin, Pol Monfort, Paul Serre.

Length: 4' 59''
Year: 2017
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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Far from home

A kid is dreaming. The dream is about a space ship he is visiting until he is suddenly awake ...


Loredana Faraldi (doctor), Luca Iannello (ICT), Sylvain Guesnier (power station)

Length: 5' 03''
Year: 2020
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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Titanic 2.0

Titanic 2.0

Concordia, August 2020. The biggest and most modern ship, known to be unsinkable, leaves for its first journey. Four days later, it hits an iceberg. On board, a broken artist and a rich girl fall in love ... Worthy of the 1997 original movie of James Cameron, this Titanic remake is the coolest and most sensual version that was ever produced. It is a little bit cold and windy, but the love story of Jack and Rose is intact, beautiful as never before ...


DC16 2020 Winterover crew: Alberto Salvati (station leader / physics and meteorology), Andrea Ceinini (vehicle mechanics), Bastien Prat (electrotechnician), Camille Breant (glaciologist and chemist IT), Elisa Calmon (cook), Ines Ollivier (glaciologist and chemist FR), Loredana Faraldi (medical doctor), Luca Ianniello (ICT/radio tech), Stijn Thoolen (ESA medical researcher), Sylvain Guesnier (chef centrale), Vivien Koutcheroff (technical manager and plumber), Wenceslas Marie Sainte (electronician science)

Length: 6' 59''
Year: 2020
Category: Open Category
Video not online
Teaser of the 2020 edition of the WIFFA festival

Teaser of the 2020 edition of the WIFFA festival

The Concordia base is preparing for the 2020 edition of the WIFFA Festival. Vips and people from the world of entertainment are "symbolically" coming from all over the world to enjoy the coolest event of Antarctica. The organizers of WIFFA 2020 invite all the Antarctic bases to participate in the Festival.


Alberto Salvati (station leader / physics and meteorology), Andrea Ceinini (vehicle mechanics), Bastien Prat (electrotechnician), Camille Breant (glacio IT), Elisa Calmon (cook), Ines Ollivier (glacio FR), Loredana Faraldi (medical doctor), Luca Ianniello (ICT/radio tech), Stijn Thoolen (ESA medical researcher), Sylvain Guesnier (chef centrale), Vivien Koutcheroff (technical manager and plumber), Wenceslas Marie Sainte (electronician science)

Length: 2’ 42’’
Year: 2020
Category: Other
Video not online

We want you

Length: 6' 48''
Year: 2018
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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DOME Cocktail

Length: 6' 25''
Year: 2018
Category: Open Category
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Call me maybe

Best OpenBest Open

Funny parody of the video made by the Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders on the song "Call me maybe" by Carly Rae.


Massimiliano Catricalà (Station Leader & Electronician Science), Giuditta Celli (Glaciologist), Megane Louise Christian (Physics), Gianluca Ghiselli (Medical Doctor), Daniele Giambruno (Cook), Alessandro Mancini (ICT & Radio), Bertrand Laine (Chef Centrale), Damien Beloin (Vehicle mechanic), Ivan Bruni (Astrophysics), Thibault Gillet (Electrotechnician), Julien Moye (Glaciologist), Julien Le Goff (Plumber), Nadja Albertsen (ESA Medical Researcher).

Length: 3’ 16''
Year: 2019
Category: Open Category
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