The croissant gate

Amsterdam Island - FRANCE

Best ActressBest Actress


On the plateau of the TV news ANN - Antarctic News Network - we learn that the croissant recipe was stolen on Amsterdam Island.. Follow Amy Crophone and her cameraman Lens Rocket during their investigation, and find out who stole the recipe


Antoine Lamielle (IT engineer), Florian Bourcier (electronician), Corisande Abiven (ecopathology), Sophia Laporte (Atmospheric physico-chemist ), Ugolin Bourbon-Denis (botanist), Damien Morel (botanist) with the help of Pierre Guenot (cook), Anthony Buttet (ornithologist), Thierry Espanet (postal manager), Christophe Bellon (station leader), Colombe Lefort (nature reserve ranger), Camille Donate (medical doctor)

Length: 12' 19''

Original (419 MB) - Full HD (326 MB) - HD (149 MB)

Amsterdam Island (Martin-de-Vivies)
Open Category
Winner Yes
Best Actress
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