Barbee Antarctic Survey
Barbee is living a perfect life at Barbee Antarctic Station, until one day it all goes wrong and she must venture to the real world to find out why. Join Barbee on this incredible adventure to make Barbee Antarctic Survey perfect again.
Camera Crew - Neil, Jono, Disco Katie, Doc. Katie; SSA Barbee / Dancer #1 - Ciara: SSA Barbee Body Double/ Exec. #4 - Disco Katie; Dinosaur - Doc. Katie; BAT CEO / Weird Barbee - Jono; Exec. #3 / Field Ken - Yasser; Narrator - Cheesecake; BAT Automation Advisor - Billy; Exec. #1 / Dancer #2 - MetBabe Victor; Exec. #2 / Dancer #3 - Andy; Field Ken Body Double / Chaser #2 / Dancer #3 - Lyss; Field Ken Body Double - George; Chasers - Hamish, Rob; Chef Barbee - Jacob; Construction Barbee - Esme; IT Barbee - Field Guide Niall; Garage Barbee - Garage Dan; Skidoo Barbee - Ben; Foodbay Barbees - Bex, Louis, Steve, Goldie, Henry, Sparky George.