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Neumayer III

Neumayer III
Coordinates: 70°41'0"S 08°16'0"W
Programs and links: Alfred Wegener Institute (

All movies from this station

Polar Fiction

Two skidoo club members are tasked with delivering a mysterious suitcase.


Amelie Nüsse, Pablo Conrat Fuentes, Andrey Jakovlev, Anja Weber, Jörg Lauer, Johannes Schötz, Helen Hobin, Laura Fabian, Johann Anger, Tim Bösch

Length: 04' 59''
Year: 2024
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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We have everything before us

A documentary about the life at the Alfons-Wieland-Internat Boarding school.


Markus Ayasse, Peter Frölich, Martin Grabbert, Eva Link, Lukas Muser, Martin Radenz, Nora Schoeder, Felix Strobel, Bernd Wondratschek, Nellie Wullenweber

Length: 04' 59''
Year: 2023
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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Vampire station

Best ActressBest Actress

A hunter is sent to Antarctica to kill the last vampires on Earth.


Cast: Karsten Böddeker (IT), Aurelia Hölzer (Station leader), Hannes Keck (Air Chemistry), Alicia Rohnacher (Geophysics), Michael Trautmann (Electrician), Benita Wagner (Geophysics), Katrin Wiggins (Engineer) - Director: Markus Schulze (Meteorology).

Length: 38' 33''
Year: 2022
Category: Open Category
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The Hidden Life On Ice

Nature documentary about the life of the grey-legged overwinterus antarcticus on the ice shelf.


Katrin Wiggins, Benita Wagner, Michael Trautmann, Markus Schulze, Alicia Rohnacher, Hannes Keck, Werner Hofmann, Aurelia Hölzer, Karsten Böddeker.

Length: 04' 54''
Year: 2022
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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Coffee Break at Neumayer

Coffee Break at Neumayer

Best ActorBest Actor

The station’s technician takes a “peaceful” coffee break


Markus (Himself), Florian (Engineer), Paul (Yeti), Linda (Movie Fan), Timo (Rocket Man), Theresa (Firefighter), Jess (Magican), Lorenz (Wigwam-Lorenz)

Length: 04' 19''
Year: 2021
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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One small step

Length: 4' 44''
Year: 2012
Category: Open Category
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The Soup Soap

Length: 4' 23''
Year: 2012
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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The Penguin's Play

Length: 5' 54''
Year: 2015
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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The Long Way to Eden

Best CostumeBest Costume

An adventurous journey through the ice to the promised garden of Eden


Julia, Anna, Noah, Roman, Klaus, Ina, Andreas, Bruce Lee special guest: Roland, our resuscitation dummy. Camera: Wanderson. Technical Support: Mario.

Length: 4' 59''
Year: 2020
Category: 48 Hrs Category
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