Please draw me a penguin
Crozet Island - FRANCE
Best Actress
The Little Prince choose to film his new music video in Crozet Islands
Pierre-Jean Piovesana (Poujanus presentator, also Tipi guy), Arnaud Farré (Petit Prince), Maël Judic (Ozone member & policeman), Nicolas Croisy (Penguin & cameraman), Alexandre Martel (Ozone member & pick-up doctor), Michel (de Michel) Fontaine (Indian), Florent Sabatier (Thrift shop client & street dancer), Ludovic Lignier (Thrift shop client & street dancer), Audrey Marié (Public on fire), Quentin Ribar (Street dancer with beautiful blue hair), Sébastien Le Porh (Street dancer), Alain Matile (Public), Cyril Boisseau (Street dancer)
Length: 04' 56''